Today’s gospel highlights the angel Gabriel’s appearance to Mary, Luke’s poignant introduction to the woman who would become the mother of Jesus. As I shared last Advent, Mary’s humanity as a young, poor, lay woman in first-century Palestine moves me deeply. Luke captures Mary’s openness alongside her fear, her curiosity alongside her confusion, her chosenness alongside her smallness, her uniqueness alongside her relatability. On its own, this story depicts a complex woman favored and called by God. What a gift!
Today, however, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, this powerful reading does not stand alone. The Lectionary pairs it with the story of the Fall, which includes the blaming and naming of Eve (also about whom I’ve written this year). This juxtaposition, if left unexamined, can leave us with an interpretation that, for me, simply does not feel as free, true, and beautiful as it could be.
Must one woman be blamed so another can be celebrated? Does the value of Mary’s yes depend on Eve’s no? Does the tired dichotomy of Eve the “temptress” and Mary the Virgin serve our spiritual lives? Or are Mary, Eve, and all women worthy of room for expansiveness?
In today’s readings, I see glimpses into the lives of two women made in God’s image—two complicated human beings in relationship with God, navigating their loves, struggles, bodies, desires, fears, questions, and hopes. I see sisterhood. This Advent, aware that all of us experience moments that feel more like Mary’s most famous story and moments that feel more like Eve’s, may we find invitations to connection and growth in both.
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